I just finished watching this movie and i did enjoy it a lot! It made me laugh and cry all through out the movie. And it also makes me remember my own "chone" back in High School. All the crazy stuffs that I did just to get his attention, until now i couldn't believe that I actually did those things! :>
My "chone" back in High School!!!  OMG!!  I still cannot help but smile whenever I see him (it's just on picture now) or whenever I remember those fun school days.  haaaaaaaayyy...
This was a fun night at dampa (macapagal)! We just had dinner to celebrate the upcoming wedding of kai and joseph (the couple from the right). It was my first time to it there and i really enjoyed it. thumbs up! Seafood madness indeed! 
And then we had a nightcap at starbucks while waiting for rey's boyfriend that's the girl beside me!